How do you stop a migraine attack?

Once a migraine attack has begun, it’s often a case of trying to minimise the symptoms and reduce its impact. It’s far better to get migraine under control by making lifestyle modifications that can minimise triggers.

When you do begin to experience the initial signs of a migraine attack, it’s time for your rescue plan to kick in. As long as you’re not affected by medication overuse headache (check out our factsheet), take your acute medication as soon as you can – medication will often have more impact if it’s taken early.

Aspirin and ibuprofen tend to be more effective than paracetamol, and codeine is best avoided altogether. If simple, over-the-counter medication isn’t enough, speak to your doctor or headache specialist about triptans.

Neuromodulation devices (like Cefaly) can also be helpful to treat an attack, and are available via National Migraine Centre clinicians.

Find out more about acute treatments by booking a consultation through the National Migraine Centre today.

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